Strona Główna » Materiały dla 15.05.2023 » Strona 2

FunctionBay RecurDyn 2023 SP1 Update Only (x64) Multilingual

FunctionBay RecurDyn 2023 SP1 Update Only (x64) Multilingual
FunctionBay RecurDyn 2023 SP1 Update Only (x64) Multilingual
File Size: 1.4 GB

RecurDyn is an interdisciplinary, computer-aided engineering (CAE) software package whose primary function is the simulation of MultiBody Dynamics (MBD). RecurDyn simulates both rigid and flexible body dynamics by combining traditional rigid MBD with cutting-edge finite element technology for modeling flexible bodies. In addition, RecurDyn also includes a tightly-integrated controller design tool, design optimization, particle dynamics for granular materials, and durability and fatigue analysis.
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Tekla Structures 2023 SP3 (x64) Multilingual

Tekla Structures 2023 SP3 (x64) Multilingual
Tekla Structures 2023 SP3 (x64) Multilingual
x64 | languages:Multilanguage | File Size: 3.45 GB

Trimble has released an update to Tekla Structures 2022, is much more than design and detailing software: it is the most accurate and comprehensive 3D building information modeling (BIM) tool in the market that streamlines the workflow from sales, bidding, cost estimation and conceptual design to detailing, manufacture and erection. This release arrives with improvements and fixes – be it drawings, collaboration, or modeling complex geometries or reinforcement.
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proDAD Mercalli V6 SAL 6.0.625.1 (x64) Multilingual

proDAD Mercalli V6 SAL 6.0.625.1 (x64) Multilingual
proDAD Mercalli V6 SAL 6.0.625.1 (x64) Multilingual
File size: 192 MB

Mercalli V6 SAL Windows - Image stabilization and optimization! Even faster! Even better! Even easier! proDAD's first Artificial Intelligence Application (AiA). Mercalli V6 is a revolution in terms of the performance and quality of CMOS and rolling shutter correction, and is additionally optimized where every other stabilizer has to give up.
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English Online Course for Starters (2023-05)

English Online Course for Starters (2023-05)

Kurs online języka angielskiego
dla początkujących

10 części - 11 wykładów - 33m łączny czas trwania
2023-05 | e-Learning | English | MP4, PDF | 593.92 MB

Podczas tego kursu omówimy podstawy angielskiej gramatyki, słownictwa i wymowy. Skupimy się również na rozwijaniu umiejętności słuchania, mówienia, czytania i pisania poprzez różnorodne interaktywne ćwiczenia i zajęcia.
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