Strona Główna » Materiały dla 30.10.2023 » Strona 7

Acon Digital Acoustica Premium 7.5.1 (Win/Mac)

Acon Digital Acoustica Premium 7.5.1 (Win/Mac)
Acon Digital Acoustica Premium 7.5.1 (Win/Mac)
File size: 0.3/1.1 GB

Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium is an ideal solution for audio editing and mastering. The program contains everything you need to create great sounding recordings and audio CDs, including professional tools for recording, analysis, editing and CD burning. The Acoustica user interface was designed with speed, accuracy and ease of use in mind. The support for audio resolutions up to 32 bit and sampling rates up to 192 kHz allows you to record and edit in an amazing audio quality.
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Zebra CardStudio Professional

Zebra CardStudio Professional
Zebra CardStudio Professional
Languages: Multilingual
File Size: 216.71 MB

More than ever before, we're an electronically connected global community. From shopper loyalty cards to student IDs to Corporate IDs and access control cards, we're quickly evolving from the physical to the digital. Advance your card designs and production with CardStudio 2.0 to unlock greater design features, expanded data management capabilities and Digital IDs. CardStudio 2.0 makes designing and producing high-quality cards and Digital IDs quick and simple.
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Sante DICOM Worklist Server 2.2

Sante DICOM Worklist Server 2.2
Sante DICOM Worklist Server 2.2
File size: 6.0 MB

Sante Worklist Server (MWL Server) is an autonomous program that can receive via HL7 communication messages the patients demographics and scheduling information of exams that are stored in a HIS/RIS system (Hospital Information System / Radiology Information System) and transfer them to any modality/medical scanner via DICOM communication protocols (C-FIND). The program offers an automated, error-free and reliable transfer of the information form HL7 nodes (HIS/RIS) to DICOM nodes (medical scanners) without any human reaction.
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PHP Masterclass - Complete Beginner to Master PHP Course (2023-10)

PHP Masterclass - Complete Beginner to Master PHP Course (2023-10)

Szkolenie z PHP
Kurs PHP dla początkujących i zaawansowanych
18 części - 75 wykładów - 7h 4m łączny czas trwania
2023-10 | e-Learning | English | MP4, PHP | 3.14 GB

Jest to najbardziej kompletny i kompleksowy internetowy kurs PHP. Kurs zawiera mnóstwo przydatnych wskazówek, które w ciągu zaledwie kilku godzin sprawią, że od początkującego staniesz się mistrzem. Jeśli chcesz opanować ten niesamowity język, jest to odpowiedni kurs dla Ciebie.
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