Strona Główna » Materiały dla 17.02.2023 » Strona 13

Regular Expressions, From Beginning To End By Hailie Shaw!

Regular Expressions, From Beginning To End By Hailie Shaw!
Welcome to our Splunkable | Regex and Splunk, Regular Expressions: A Comprehensive Guide course taught by our Principle Instructor, Hailie Shaw. Hailie will cover the basics of the Regex and Splunk to get you started on your journey! In this course, you will learn how to effectively use regular expressions to solve real-world problems. Regular expressions are a powerful tool for text processing and pattern matching, and are used in a wide range of applications, from data validation to search and replace operations. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with regex, this course will take you to the next level.By the end of this course, you will be able to:History of regexWhat are regular expressionsHighlight resources to useThe basic characters to knowQuantifiers to KnowRegex AnchorsGroupingsCapture groups and named capture groupsRegex in SplunkThis course includes a combination of lectures, and real-world examples to help you learn by doing. Whether you are a software developer, data scientist, or simply need to manipulate text data, this course will provide you with the skills you need to be successful.Enroll now and take your regex skills to the next level!If you'd like to learn more, we invite you to interact with us on linkedin, twitter, and slack or visit our website for more details. We encourage everyone to us any avenue available to reach us with questions or concerns. Please do so.

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Raising A Generator Child

Raising A Generator Child
Human design is a blueprint of a person's energetic aura. It utilizes astrology, the I Ching, the chakra systems, and much more. It can tell you how their unique energy type is designed to operate in the world. Understanding your child's unique blueprint can help you be a more conscious parent and give them what they truly need to thrive in life. Nurturing and empowering their true energetic core is how we really set our children up for success. They grow up knowing their own worth, valuing healthy relationships, and hold very healthy boundaries.In this course we will learn about why human design is the missing puzzle piece in conscious parenting. We will learn about inner child healing and how it directly affects our children. We will dive into the specifics on how to start healing your inner child. Included is a guided meditation on healing your inner child that you can come back to whenever you'd like. We will also cover practical everyday tips on parenting your generator child including communication, energy cycles, learning, sleep, and much more. We will explore the importance of emotional intelligence and how we can help our generator child process their emotions and feelings. We will learn about human design authority and what it means for your generator child. Once we understand how we can consciously parent with the help of human design, we will grow the soul connection with our children.

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Python for Beginners by Vinay S

Python for Beginners by Vinay S
The Python basics course is designed to get a deep dive into the Python basic Concepts.This course is for beginners who would like to learn and enhance their knowledge about Python.The course consists of theoretical and practical concepts in Python.This course is completely practical oriented where most of the development scenarios are captured.If you have a desire to understand and learn Python which is the valuable  and in demand skills,  then I invite you to join me on this Udemy Learning course. Come on, let's learn together, build new skills, and make a difference in the world. Hope to see you in the course.The below is the course description.Description:Python Basics:CommentsVariablesRules for Variable DeclarationScope Of VariablesGlobal KeywordType CastingInput & OutputStrings in Python:Introduction to StringsString ArraysString SlicingString ModifiersString ConcatenationOperators in Python:Arithmetic OperatorsLogical / Boolean OperatorsMembership OperatorsAssignment OperatorsComparison OperatorsIdentity OperatorsLoops in Python:If StatementIf Else statementIf-Elif-Else StatementWhile LoopsFor LoopsFor Loops with Range FunctionLists in Python:Introduction to ListList IndexingSlicing of List elementsAdd List ItemsModify List ElementsList CopyIterating Through a ListTuples in Python:Introduction to TupleTuple IndexingSlicing Tuple elementsTuple UpdateSets in Python:Introduction to SetAdd & Copy Set ElementsIterating Through a SetFile Handling in Python:Introduction to File HandlingReading a FileWriting & Appending data to a FileDeleting a File/Directory

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Personal Safety Tips For Crime Prevention

Personal Safety Tips For Crime Prevention
Nobody can protect you more than yourself, in that case personal should be build on individual's own intentional mindset to protect him/her self. There are a lot of safety management software that can assist in personal safety such as safesite software, brightsafe software, weever software etc, these assist in the protection of persons. In other to protect your home and family one need to develop communication contingency plans with your family for sheltering in place, emergency evacuation and home intrusion, installation of alarm systems or video surveillance systems and finally increase visibility by improving exterior lighting and installing motion sensors. We are all reliant on others to provide a safe and secure environment for us, that we often neglect taking basic steps to protect ourselves. Those who abdicate their personal responsibility are more likely to have a negative outcome should something bad occur. There are ways you can take to improve your ability to thrive in a Crisis: such as learn to use your phone's safety features-phones are the best tool we have for safety. Communicating in a crisis is paramount. What most people don't know is that manufacturers have made it easy to call for help. Go online and type your phone model with the words safety features. You'll find that you don't need to dial any emergency number in a crisis. By simply learning your phone's features, you can instantly contact emergency services. More importantly, your phone can also send your location to dispatch centers and your emergency contacts centers. All conscious people take their personal safety and security serious.

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Master Productivity With Time Boxing And Journaling

Master Productivity With Time Boxing And Journaling
"Transform Your Life with Our Revolutionary Journaling Productivity Time Management Course!"Do you struggle to keep up with your to-do list? Do you find yourself constantly running out of time to complete important tasks? If so, it's time to take control of your productivity and time management with our Journaling Productivity Time Management Course.In this comprehensive program, you will learn how to use journaling as a powerful tool to boost your productivity, manage your time more effectively, and achieve your goals. Our expert instructors will guide you through various journaling techniques, such as morning pages, bullet journaling, and gratitude journaling, and show you how to integrate them into your daily routine.In addition to journaling techniques, you will also learn time management strategies that will help you prioritize tasks, set and achieve goals, and overcome obstacles to success. Our program is designed to be practical, hands-on, and tailored to your individual needs, so you can start seeing results from day one.Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or simply looking to improve your overall productivity, our Journaling Productivity Time Management Course is the solution you've been looking for. With our proven methods, personalized attention, and supportive community, you will be on your way to a more productive, organized, and fulfilling life in no time. Don't wait any longer to unlock your full potential! Sign up for our course today and take the first step towards a brighter future.

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Leadership Foundations 5 Pillars Of Sound Leadership

Leadership Foundations 5 Pillars Of Sound Leadership
Ready To Take Charge of Your Own Learning Journey?Powered by Intercept Experience. Delivered by Coach T, we offer5 PILLARS OF SOUND LEADERSHIPIn our 26 years experience, every leader wants 3 main things:To be effective.To be respected.To make a positive difference.To achieve these 3 things it's key you have the strongest leadership foundation possible.That's why we created our latest course.It will give you practical pillars for leading people, without changing who you are. It's in 5 Modules.5 PILLARS OF SOUND LEADERSHIP:Practical Lessons for Leading PeoplePillar 1 - Mindset of a Masterful LeaderPillar 2 - Mindset of a Respected People LeaderPillar 3 - Mindset of a Valued Team UnifierPillar 4 - Mindset of a Wise & Valued Mentor & CoachPillar 5 - Mindset of a Self-Aware & Astute LeaderAre you a people leader, new in your leadership journey, and ready to take responsibility for your own learning.Do you secretly wish your boss had more time for you to show you the ropes, but you can't get access to your boss so now your looking for some online coaching and mentoring foundations to being a good quality leader? Then this is the course for you! This program will prepare you as you take charge of your leadership journey.We look forward to seeing you inside the course.

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