Strona Główna » Materiały dla 14.09.2022 » Strona 85

Szybcy i martwi / The Quick and the Dead (1995) BDRemux.1080p.x264.AC3.DTS- alE13 | LEKTOR i NAPiSY PL

24.55 GB

Szybcy i martwi / The Quick and the Dead (1995) BDRemux.1080p.x264.AC3.DTS-  alE13 | LEKTOR i NAPiSY PL

gatunek: Western
produkcja: Japonia / USA

Do małego miasteczka na Dzikim Zachodzie, rządzonego silną ręką przez Heroda, przyjeżdża tajemnicza Ellen. Z nikim nie rozmawia, czasem tylko patrzy dzikim wzrokiem, od którego przeszywa dreszcz. Kid, rzekomy syn Heroda, wiecznie otoczony wianuszkiem dziewcząt, bardzo interesuje się tajemniczą nieznajomą. Wkrótce Herod przyprowadza Corta, swego dawnego kompana, obecnie księdza. Między duchownym a Ellen od razu iskrzy. Rozpoczyna się turniej rewolwerowców. Cała czwórka bierze w nim udział, a zwycięzca może być tylko jeden. Zostanie nim najszybszy strzelec. Reszta będzie martwa.

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Autodesk Fabrication ESTmep 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64)

Autodesk Fabrication ESTmep 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64)
Autodesk Fabrication ESTmep 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64) | 88.9 Mb
The Autodesk Fabrication products help extend Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflow to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) specialty contractors for designing, estimating and fabricating ductwork, pipework, electrical containment and other mechanical systems used in buildings. These products let you use manufacturer-specific content to generate better estimates, create more accurate detailed models, and directly drive MEP fabrication.

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Autodesk Fabrication CAMduct 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64)

Autodesk Fabrication CAMduct 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64)
Autodesk Fabrication CAMduct 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64) | 415 Mb
The Autodesk Fabrication products help extend Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflow to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) specialty contractors for designing, estimating and fabricating ductwork, pipework, electrical containment and other mechanical systems used in buildings. These products let you use manufacturer-specific content to generate better estimates, create more accurate detailed models, and directly drive MEP fabrication.

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Autodesk Fabrication CADmep 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64)

Autodesk Fabrication CADmep 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64)
Autodesk Fabrication CADmep 2023.0.2 Hotfix Only (x64) | 91.6 Mb
The Autodesk Fabrication products help extend Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflow to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) specialty contractors for designing, estimating and fabricating ductwork, pipework, electrical containment and other mechanical systems used in buildings. These products let you use manufacturer-specific content to generate better estimates, create more accurate detailed models, and directly drive MEP fabrication. Autodesk Fabrication CADmep supports detailing and installation workflows for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) contractors. It is typically used by detailers to create "fabrication intent" models of piping, plumbing, and or duct work systems. Models that originated from AutoCAD, AutoCAD MEP, Revit or Fabrication CADmep can be used as starting points for adding the data necessary to make the design intent models fabrication-ready.

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