Loose Watercolor Floral Wreath for beginners + Critique
Loose Watercolor Floral Wreath for beginners + Critique
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Loose-Watercolor-Floral-Wreath-for-beginners-Critique/1702449299?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category:
Drawing & Painting , Art
Lanuage : English | File Size :507MB
Class Overview:Learn a lot of watercolor tip and techniques as you will be creating a beautiful loose floral wreath and also getting an insight into making small changes that will make your work better.What You Will Learn:Mixing your own colors, learning how to use your tools effectively, different loose leaves, three kinds of florals, Composing and painting a well balanced wreath you will be proud of.Why You Should Take This Class:There are tons of exercises scattered through the class which help you really understand the medium and the steps to paint florals and leaves are really easy to replicate.However, the best part of the class is where I will be critiquing my artwork where you will see where you can improve your painting and exactly how!Who This Class is For:If you are a watercolor beginner or hobbyist, this class will be a great one coz it pretty much covers all your bases but if you are a little more experienced and want to loosen up your strokes, this could be for you too.Materials/Resources:I have listed all the supplies I have used in the class and also have mentioned options for alternate supplies.