Strona Główna » Materiały dla 05.08.2022 » Strona 22

Greenspace-Oriented Development Reconciling Urban Density and Nature in Suburban Cities

Greenspace-Oriented Development Reconciling Urban Density and Nature in Suburban Cities
Greenspace-Oriented Development: Reconciling Urban Density and Nature in Suburban Cities by Julian Bolleter
English | EPUB | 2020 | 105 Pages | ISBN : 3030296008 | 117.6 MB
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) planning principles have informed Australian city planning for over two decades. As such, policy makers and planners often unquestioningly apply its principles. In contrast, this book critiques TOD and argues that while orientating development towards public transport hubs makes some sense, the application of TOD principles in Australia has proven a significant challenge.

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Good to Go Decarbonising Travel After the Pandemic (Perspectives)

Good to Go Decarbonising Travel After the Pandemic (Perspectives)
Good to Go? Decarbonising Travel After the Pandemic (Perspectives) by David Metz
English | July 31st, 2022 | ISBN: 1913019616 | 230 pages | True EPUB | 2.47 MB
Travel is central to our lives. The transport system brings us the goods and services that we need and allows us to access the experiences and opportunities that we seek. Yet our transport system has many problems: congestion and overcrowding, noise, air pollution and carbon emissions, deaths and injuries, and the intrusion of vehicles into unsuitable locations. Much effort and money has been devoted to tackling these problems, over many years, but progress is slow.

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General Inequalities 6

General Inequalities 6
Wolfgang Walter, "General Inequalities 6"
English | 1992 | pages: 541 | ISBN: 3034875673 | DJVU | 3,9 mb
The sixthInternational Conference on General Inequalities was held from Dec. 9 to Dec. 15, 1990, at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Black Fa rest, Germany). The organizing committee was composed of W.N. Everitt (Birm ingham), L. Losonczi (Debrecen) and W. Walter (Karlsruhe). Dr. A. Kovacec ( Coimbra) served cheerfully and efficiently as secretary of the meeting. The con ference was attended by 44 participants from 20 countries. Yet again the importance of inequalities in both pure and applied mathematics was made evident from the wide range of interests of the individual participants, and from the wealth of new results announced. New inequalities were presented in the usual spread of the subject areas now expected for these meetings: Classical and functional analysis, existence and boundary value problems for both ordinary and partial differential equations, with special contributions to computer science, quantum holography and error analysis. More strongly than ever, the role played by modern electronic computers was made clear in testing out and prohing into the validity and structure of certain inequalities. Here the computer acts not only for numerical calculations of great complexity, but also in symbolic manipulation of complex finite structures. Prob lems in inequalities which even a few years ago were intractable, now fall to solution or receive direct and positive guidance as a result of computer applications. The interface between finite and infinite structures in mathematics and the versatility of modern computers is weil developed in the subject of general inequalities.

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General Inequalities 1 - Allgemeine Ungleichungen 1

General Inequalities 1 - Allgemeine Ungleichungen 1
Edwin F. Beckenbach, "General Inequalities 1 - Allgemeine Ungleichungen 1: Proceedings of the First International Conference on General Inequalities held in the ... Series of Numerical Mathematics, 41)"
English | 1978 | pages: 347 | ISBN: 3034855656 | DJVU | 2,5 mb
Die erste internationale Tagung "Allgemeine Ungleichungen" fand vom 9. bis 15. Mai im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach statt. Da Herr Bellman leider aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht teilnehmen konnte, hat sich glÜcklicherweise Herr Beckenbach (Los Angeles) bereiterklärt, zusammen mit den Herren Aczel (Waterloo, Onterio) und Aumann (München) die Tagung zu leiten. Als Tagungssekratär wirkte Herr Ger (Ka.towice). Die ?: { Teilnehmer kamen aus Europa, Amerika und Australien. Erfreulicherweise hat sich eine grtlßere Zahl von Teilnehmern aus Polen eingefunden; leider konnten keine Wissenschaftler aus Jugoslawien, Rumänien, der TBchechoslawakai und Ungarn kommen. Die Tagtmg wurde von Herrn Aczel eröffnet und von Herrn Aumann geschlossen. Zu der durch den Titel gegebenen allgemeinen Thematik haben die Teil- nehmer in sehr verschiedene Weise beigetragen. Trotzdem bildeten sich einige Schwerpunkte heraus: Funktionalungleichungen, inbesondere iterativen s, konvexe und verallgemejnert konvexe Funktionen, Differentialungleichungen, Ungleichungen der Funktionentheorie, Funktionalanalysis und Geometrie. Ferner wurden Anwendungen von Ungleichungen auf Differentialgleichungen, Physik, Warscheinlichkeits-, Informations- und Wirtschaftstheorie gebracht. Die als besondere Tagungspunkte augesetzten "Bemerkungen und Probleme" haben sich als äußerst fruchtbar erwiesen, ja sogar in einem Fall zur vollständigen LÖsung eines aufgeworfenen Problems geführt. Die Tagung hat nicht nur gezeigt, daß das Netz von Ungleichungen, das die. gesamte Analysis durchzieht, verdient in eigenständiger Weise und im Sinne allgemeiner Methoden behandelt zu werden, sondern auch bestätigt, wie viel schneller und wirksamer der Ideenaustausch ist, der durch die Vorträge und durch den persönlichen Kontakt der Wissenschaftler untereinander zustande kommt, als die unpersönliche, nur literarische Information.

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Game Theory The Everyday Guide How to Think Strategically, Make Good Decisions and Improve your Life

Game Theory The Everyday Guide How to Think Strategically, Make Good Decisions and Improve your Life
Sir Donald Buphet, "Game Theory: The Everyday Guide: How to Think Strategically, Make Good Decisions and Improve your Life"
English | 2015 | ISBN: 1512259829 | ASIN: B00XNRTNPU | EPUB | pages: 38 | 0.1 mb
This #1 Best Selling Critically Acclaimed Book is now available Globally on Amazon - Get it Now! This book is your definitive resource on the topic of game theory and how to you can make use of it to think strategically, make better decisions, as well as improve your life!!! In this book, we start off by giving the basics of what game theory is. Then, we further take it to help you make use of game theory for basic decision making. We will also share with you the different types of information games. What's best is that, we can also help you apply game theory in your everyday life! So, whether you have little or no knowledge about game theory, this book will surely introduce you to it while also providing you with other useful things about game theory. On the other hand, if you are someone who already has some background about game theory, we will help you improve it a little more. We've got tons of resources all presented in a manner that would be very easy to digest.

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