Strona Główna » Materiały dla 04.08.2022 » Strona 5

Master Motion Design with Ben Marriott

Master Motion Design with Ben Marriott
Master Motion Design with Ben Marriott
Content Source:
Genre / Category:
After Effects Tutorials

Lanuage : English | File Size :3.2GB
Product Details
This in-depth advanced animation course focuses on key animation techniques & practical After Effects skills to elevate your motion design to the next level
From professional workflows to mid-project problem-solving, I've poured all my knowledge & experience into this course.

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Sandi & Jimi – Future Filmmakers

Sandi & Jimi – Future Filmmakers
Sandi & Jimi – Future Filmmakers
Content Source:
Genre / Category:
Film & Media

Lanuage : English | File Size :11.3GB
If you are interested in creating videos and don't know where to start or you have some experience and want to take it to the next level, this video course is for YOU! We have had a thriving film business for the past 11 years, we have worked with major corporations, celebrities and have filmed multiple million dollar weddings. We decided to take our years of experience and knowledge and turn it into a complete beginners film course.

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Szkarłatny pirat / Swashbuckler (1976) PL.1080p.BDRip.XviD-NN / Lektor PL

Szkarłatny pirat / Swashbuckler (1976) PL.1080p.BDRip.XviD-NN / Lektor PL

Szkarłatny pirat / Swashbuckler (1976) PL.1080p.BDRip.XviD-NN / Lektor PL


Dwaj osiemnastowieczni piraci, Nick Debrett i Ned Lynch, przybijają do brzegów Jamajki, rządzonej przez złego lorda Duranta. Towarzyszy im, uratowana przez nich przed śmiercią, pełna temperamentu Janet Barnet. Korsarze dowiadują się, że lord Durant uwięził ich towarzyszy.
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