Strona Główna » Materiały dla 26.07.2022 » Strona 30

Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion Instrumentation and Experiment Interpretation

Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion Instrumentation and Experiment Interpretation
Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion: Instrumentation and Experiment Interpretation By
2010 | 477 Pages | ISBN: 1848211937 | PDF | 14 MB
Over the last 50 years, the methods of investigating dynamic properties have resulted in significant advances. This book explores dynamic testing, the methods used, and the experiments performed, placing a particular emphasis on the context of bounded medium elastodynamics. Dynamic tests have proven to be as efficient as static tests and are often easier to use at lower frequency. The discussion is divided into four parts. Part A focuses on the complements of continuum mechanics. Part B concerns the various types of rod vibrations: extensional, bending, and torsional. Part C is devoted to mechanical and electronic instrumentation, and guidelines for which experimental set-up should be used are given. Part D concentrates on experiments and experimental interpretations of elastic or viscolelastic moduli. In addition, several chapters contain practical examples alongside theoretical discussion to facilitate the readers understanding. The results presented are the culmination of over 30 years of research by the authors and as such will be of great interest to anyone involved in this field.Content: Chapter 1 Guidelines for Choosing the Experimental Set?up (pages 1-11): Jean Tuong VinhChapter 2 Review of Industrial Analyzers for Material Characterization (pages 13-24): Jean Tuong VinhChapter 3 Mechanical Part of the Vibration Test Bench (pages 25-42): Jean Tuong VinhChapter 4 Exciters and Excitation Signals (pages 43-76): Jean Tuong VinhChapter 5 Transducers (pages 77-117): Jean Tuong Vinh and Michel NuguesChapter 6 Electronic Instrumentation, Connecting Precautions and Signal Processing (pages 119-153): Jean Tuong VinhChapter 7 The Frequency Hilbert Transform and Detection of Hidden Non?linearities in Frequency Responses (pages 155-186): Jean Tuong VinhChapter 8 Measurement of Structural Damping (pages 187-208): Jean Tuong VinhChapter 9 Torsion Test Benches: Instrumentation and Experimental Results (pages 209-253): Michel NuguesChapter 10 Bending Vibration of Rod Instrumentation and Measurements (pages 255-270): Dominique Le NizheryChapter 11 Longitudinal Vibration of Rods: Material Characterization and Experimental Dispersion Curves (pages 271-303): Yvon Chevalier and Jean Tuong VinhChapter 12 Realization of Le Rolland?Sorin's Double Pendulum and Some Experimental Results (pages 305-333): Mostefa Archi and Jean?Baptiste CasimirChapter 13 Stationary and Progressive Waves in Rings and Hollow Cylinders (pages 335-365): Yvon Chevalier and Jean Tuong VinhChapter 14 Ultrasonic Benches: Characterization of Materials by Wave Propagation Techniques (pages 367-395): Patrick GarceauChapter 15 Wave Dispersion in Rods with a Rectangular Cross?Section: Higher Order Theory and Experimentation (pages 397-452): Maurice Touratier

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Measuring Colour, Fourth Edition

Measuring Colour, Fourth Edition
Measuring Colour, Fourth Edition By R. W. G. Hunt, M. R. Pointer(auth.), Michael A. Kriss(eds.)
2011 | 479 Pages | ISBN: 1119975379 | PDF | 11 MB
The classic authority on colour measurement now fully revised and updated with the latest CIE recommendations The measurement of colour is of major importance in many commercial applications, such as the textile, paint, and foodstuff industries; as well as having a significant role in the lighting, paper, printing, cosmetic, plastics, glass, chemical, photographic, television, transport, and communication industries. Building upon the success of earlier editions, the 4th edition of Measuring Colour has been updated throughout with new chapters on colour rendering by light sources; colorimetry with digital cameras; factors affecting the appearance of coloured objects, and details of new CIE colour appearance models. Key features: Presents colour measurement, not simply as a matter of instrumentation and engineering, but also involving the physiology and psychology of the human observer. Covers the principles of colour measurement rather than a guide to instruments. Provides the reader with the basic facts needed to measure colour. Describes and explains the interactions between how colour is affected by the type of lighting, by the nature of the objects illuminated, and by the properties of the colour vision of observers. Includes many worked examples, and a series of Appendices provides the numerical data needed in many colorimetric calculations. The addition of 4th edition co-author, Dr. Pointer, has facilitated the inclusion of extensive practical advice on measurement procedures and the latest CIE recommendations.Content: Chapter 1 Colour Vision (pages 1-17): Chapter 2 Spectral Weighting Functions (pages 19-40): Chapter 3 Relations Between Colour Stimuli (pages 41-72): Chapter 4 Light Sources (pages 73-97): Chapter 5 Obtaining Spectral Data and Tristimulus Values (pages 99-115): Chapter 6 Metamerism and Colour Constancy (pages 117-142): Chapter 7 Colour Rendering by Light Sources (pages 143-154): Chapter 8 Colour Order Systems (pages 155-195): Chapter 9 Precision and Accuracy in Colorimetry (pages 197-217): Chapter 10 Fluorescent Colours (pages 219-230): Chapter 11 RGB Colorimetry (pages 231-240): Chapter 12 Colorimetry with Digital Cameras (pages 241-256): Chapter 13 Colorant Mixtures (pages 257-265): Chapter 14 Factors Affecting the Appearance of Coloured Objects (pages 267-292): Chapter 15 The CIE Colour Appearance Model CIECAM02 (pages 293-324): Chapter 16 Models of Colour Appearance for Stimuli of Different Sizes (pages 325-328): Chapter 17 Model of Colour Appearance for Unrelated Colours in Photopic and Mesopic Illuminances (pages 329-334):

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Mauerwerk-Kalender 2013 Bauen im Bestand

Mauerwerk-Kalender 2013 Bauen im Bestand
Mauerwerk-Kalender 2013: Bauen im Bestand By
2013 | 717 Pages | ISBN: 3433030170 | PDF | 14 MB
Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 37 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries - current and firsthand. Focus for 2013: refurbishment and upgradingContent: Chapter I Eigenschaften von Mauersteinen, Mauermcrtel, Mauerwerk und Putzen (pages 1-34): Prof. Dr.?Ing. Wolfgang BrameshuberChapter II Neuentwicklungen beim Mauerwerksbau mit allgemeiner bauaufsichtlicher Zulassung (abZ) (pages 35-62): Prof. Dr.?Ing. Wolfram Jager and Dr.?Ing. Roland HirschChapter III Instandsetzung verwitterter Natursteinoberflachen an historischen Bauwerken (pages 63-105): apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Heiner SiedelChapter IV Mineralische Mortel und Putze zur Sanierung historischer Mauerwerksbauten (pages 107-133): Dr. Petra EgloffsteinChapter I Mauerwerksbrucken - Untersuchen und Ertuchtigen (pages 135-189): Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.?Geol. Wilhelm Wilmers and Dipl.?Ing. Ingo SchultzChapter II Instandsetzung von gerissenem Mauerwerk mit Spiralankern (pages 191-212): Prof. Dr.?Ing. Thomas Jahn and Dr.?Ing. Heinz MeichsnerChapter III Untersuchungen zur Erhohung der Schubfestigkeit und der Erdbebensicherheit von Lehmmauerwerk (pages 213-258): Dr.?Ing. Jorg BraunChapter I Analyse des Tragverhaltens von bauphysikalisch optimierten Anschlussdetails einschaliger Wandkonstruktionen - Entwicklung eines passivhaustauglichen monolithischen Ziegelsystems fur Osterreich (pages 259-295): Prof. Dr.?Ing. Wolfram Jager, Dipl.?Ing. Stephan Reichel and DI Dr. techn. MAS Renate HammerChapter I Elbphilharmonie Hamburg: Statisch?konstruktive und bauphysikalische Untersuchungen am Bestandsmauerwerk des Kaispeichers A (pages 297-361): Dr.?Ing. Toralf Burkert and Dr.?Ing. Rudolf PlaggeChapter II Feuchteschutz von Mauerwerk durch hygrothermische Simulation (pages 363-391): Dr.?Ing. Hartwig M. KunzelChapter III Brandschutztechnische Beurteilung historischer Mauerwerkskonstruktionen (pages 393-411): Dr.?Ing. Gerd GeburtigChapter IV Tragwerksbemessung fur den Brandfall nach Eurocode 6 - Erlauterungen zum Nationalen Anhang zu DIN EN 1996?1?2 (pages 413-446): Dipl.?Ing. Christiane HahnChapter V Zukunftssicher bauen - Wie die Energiewende das Bauen verandert (pages 447-476): Dipl.?Ing. Hans?Dieter Hegner and Dipl.?Ing. Torsten SchochChapter I Geltende Technische Regeln fur den Mauerwerksbau (Deutsche, Europaische und Internationale Normen) (Stand 30. 9. 2012) (pages 477-494): Dipl.?Ing. Immo FeineChapter II Verzeichnis der allgemeinen bauaufsichtlichen Zulassungen fur den Mauerwerksbau (Stand 31. 8. 2012) (pages 495-614): Prof. Dr.?Ing. Wolfram Jager and Dr.?Ing. Roland HirschChapter I Ubersicht uber abgeschlossene und laufende Forschungsvorhaben im Mauerwerksbau (pages 615-654): Dipl.?Ing. (FH) Anke Eis and Dr.?Ing. Sebastian OrtleppChapter II Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Biegezugfestigkeit von Mauerwerk (pages 655-687): Dipl.?Ing. Ulf Schmidt and Prof. Dr.?Ing. Wolfgang Brameshuber

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Mathematik fur Physiker und Mathematiker Reelle Analysis und Lineare Algebra, Volume 1, 2. Auflage

Mathematik fur Physiker und Mathematiker Reelle Analysis und Lineare Algebra, Volume 1, 2. Auflage
Mathematik fur Physiker und Mathematiker: Reelle Analysis und Lineare Algebra, Volume 1, 2. Auflage By Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rainer Wust(auth.)
2002 | 591 Pages | ISBN: 3527404023 | PDF | 9 MB
Content: Chapter 1 Einiges uber Logik (pages 1-18): Chapter 2 Relationen - Abbildungen (pages 19-28): Chapter 3 Zahlen (pages 29-60): Chapter 4 Der Grenzwertbegriff (pages 61-148): Chapter 5 Differentiation (pages 149-226): Chapter 6 Integration (pages 227-307): Chapter 7 Limesvertauschungen (pages 308-340): Chapter 8 Lineare Raume (pages 341-385): Chapter 9 Affine Teilraume (pages 386-396): Chapter 10 Lineare Abbildungen und Matrizen (pages 397-438): Chapter 11 Determinanten (pages 439-466): Chapter 12 Lineare Gleichungssysteme (pages 467-484): Chapter 13 Transformation von Koordinaten-Matrixdarstellung linearer Abbildungen (pages 485-499): Chapter 14 Dualraume-Multilinearformen-Tensoren (pages 500-519): Chapter 15 Eigenwerte linearer Abbildungen und Matrizen (pages 520-547):

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Mathematik fur Physiker und Mathematiker Analysis im Mehrdimensionalen und Einfuhrungen in Spezialgebiete, Volume 2, 2. Auflag

Mathematik fur Physiker und Mathematiker Analysis im Mehrdimensionalen und Einfuhrungen in Spezialgebiete, Volume 2, 2. Auflag
Mathematik fur Physiker und Mathematiker: Analysis im Mehrdimensionalen und Einfuhrungen in Spezialgebiete, Volume 2, 2. Auflage By Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rainer Wust(auth.)
2002 | 717 Pages | ISBN: 3527404031 | PDF | 23 MB
Content: Chapter 16 Abbildungen aus dem ?m in den ?n (pages 581-609): Chapter 17 Differentiation bei Abbildungen aus ?m nach ?n (pages 610-686): Chapter 18 Kurvenintegrale (pages 687-745): Chapter 19 Integration im ?m (pages 746-832): Chapter 20 Oberflachenintegrale (pages 833-859): Chapter 21 Integralsatze (pages 860-903): Chapter 22 Funktionentheorie (pages 904-978): Chapter 23 Gewohnliche Differentialgleichungen: Losungen und Losungsmethoden bei speziellen Typen (pages 979-1011): Chapter 24 Existenz und Eindeutigkeit von Losungen von Anfangswertproblemen (pages 1012-1036): Chapter 25 Lineare Differentialgleichungssysteme 1. Ordnung (pages 1037-1069): Chapter 26 (Pra?) Hilbert?Raume, Weierstra?'scher Approximationssatz, Fourier?Reihen und Fourier?Transformation (pages 1070-1140): Chapter 27 Lineare partielle Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung (pages 1141-1209):

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Mathematical Morphology From Theory to Applications

Mathematical Morphology From Theory to Applications
Mathematical Morphology: From Theory to Applications By Laurent Najman, Hugues Talbot (eds.)
2010 | 507 Pages | ISBN: 1848212151 | PDF | 15 MB
Mathematical Morphology allows for the analysis and processing of geometrical structures using techniques based on the fields of set theory, lattice theory, topology, and random functions. It is the basis of morphological image processing, and finds applications in fields including digital image processing (DSP), as well as areas for graphs, surface meshes, solids, and other spatial structures. This book presents an up-to-date treatment of mathematical morphology, based on the three pillars that made it an important field of theoretical work and practical application: a solid theoretical foundation, a large body of applications and an efficient implementation.The book is divided into five parts and includes 20 chapters. The five parts are structured as follows:Part I sets out the fundamental aspects of the discipline, starting with a general introduction, followed by two more theory-focused chapters, one addressing its mathematical structure and including an updated formalism, which is the result of several decades of work.Part II extends this formalism to some non-deterministic aspects of the theory, in particular detailing links with other disciplines such as stereology, geostatistics and fuzzy logic.Part III addresses the theory of morphological filtering and segmentation, featuring modern connected approaches, from both theoretical and practical aspects.Part IV features practical aspects of mathematical morphology, in particular how to deal with color and multivariate data, links to discrete geometry and topology, and some algorithmic aspects; without which applications would be impossible.Part V showcases all the previously noted fields of work through a sample of interesting, representative and varied applications.Content: Chapter 1 Introduction to Mathematical Morphology (pages 1-33): Laurent Najman and Hugues TalbotChapter 2 Algebraic Foundations of Morphology (pages 35-80): Christian Ronse and Jean SerraChapter 3 Watersheds in Discrete Spaces (pages 81-107): Gilles Bertrand, Michel Couprie, Jean Cousty and Laurent NajmanChapter 4 An Introduction to Measurement Theory for Image Analysis (pages 109-131): Hugues Talbot, Jean Serra and Laurent NajmanChapter 5 Stochastic Methods (pages 133-153): Christian LantuejoulChapter 6 Fuzzy Sets and Mathematical Morphology (pages 155-176): Isabelle BlochChapter 7 Connected Operators based on Tree Pruning Strategies (pages 177-198): Philippe SalembierChapter 8 Levelings (pages 199-228): Jean Serra, Corinne Vachier and Fernand MeyerChapter 9 Segmentation, Minimum Spanning Tree and Hierarchies (pages 229-261): Fernand Meyer and Laurent NajmanChapter 10 Distance, Granulometry and Skeleton (pages 263-289): Michel Couprie and Hugues TalbotChapter 11 Color and Multivariate Images (pages 291-321): Jesus Angulo and Jocelyn ChanussotChapter 12 Algorithms for Mathematical Morphology (pages 323-353): Thierry Geraud, Hugues Talbot and Marc Van DroogenbroeckChapter 13 Diatom Identification with Mathematical Morphology (pages 355-365): Michael Wilkinson, Erik Urbach, Andre Jalba and Jos RoerdinkChapter 14 Spatio?Temporal Cardiac Segmentation (pages 367-373): Jean Cousty, Laurent Najman and Michel CouprieChapter 15 3D Angiographic Image Segmentation (pages 375-383): Benoit Naegel, Nicolas Passat and Christian RonseChapter 16 Compression (pages 385-391): Beatriz Marcotegui and Philippe SalembierChapter 17 Satellite Imagery and Digital Elevation Models (pages 393-405): Pierre SoilleChapter 18 Document Image Applications (pages 407-420): Dan Bloomberg and Luc VincentChapter 19 Analysis and Modeling of 3D Microstructures (pages 421-444): Dominique JeulinChapter 20 Random Spreads and Forest Fires (pages 445-455): Jean Serra

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Math Puzzles for Smart Kids Book 1 Math Challenging Game Book, Encrypted Messages, Logic, and Brain Teasers for Grade 1 - 4

Math Puzzles for Smart Kids Book 1 Math Challenging Game Book, Encrypted Messages, Logic, and Brain Teasers for Grade 1 - 4
Dr. Remorov, Anna Remorova, "Math Puzzles for Smart Kids Book 1: Math Challenging Game Book, Encrypted Messages, Logic, and Brain Teasers for Grade 1 - 4"
English | 2021 | ASIN: B08Y4RLXRN, B08Y5BWP5J | EPUB | pages: 29 | 1.8 mb
Check "Math Mazes" and "Math Mazes Book 2" for more math mazes in the series.NEW: Encrypted messages, Numbering mazesThis book is designed for children growing up to be intelligent and smart, for children who like puzzles, math, and science. The book provides the first steps to study math to improve kids' problem-solving skills. The book presents puzzles in the form of encrypted messages, numbering mazes, and math mazes using basic mathematical operations: addition and subtraction.

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Materials with Rheological Properties Calculation of Structures

Materials with Rheological Properties Calculation of Structures
Materials with Rheological Properties: Calculation of Structures By Constantin Cristescu(auth.)
2007 | 291 Pages | ISBN: 1848210124 | PDF | 3 MB
Materials with Rheological Properties presents the evolution of the mathematical models used to calculate the resistance structures and the conditions which enable progress to be made in this field. The author presents equations describing the behavior of each possible type of resistance structure (with discrete collaboration, continuous collaboration and complex composition). These equations are then redefined in the particular concrete form for each type of structure, by using the notions and known parameters from the construction's statics. The mathematical models are then tested using practical case studies.Content: Chapter 1 Introduction (pages 1-7): Chapter 2 The Rheological Behavior of Building Materials (pages 9-43): Chapter 3 Composite Resistance Structures with Elements Built from Materials Having Different Rheological Properties (pages 45-128): Chapter 4 Applications on Resistance Structures for Constructions (pages 129-188): Chapter 5 Numerical Application (pages 189-222): Chapter 1 The Initial Stresses and Strains State of the Structures with Continuous Collaboration (pages 223-239): Chapter 2 Systems of Integral and Integro?differential Equations (pages 241-282):

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